Veterans Service Agency
Mission Statement
The Putnam County Veterans Service Agency works year-round to ensure that all veterans and their dependents receive the maximum benefits from the federal Department of Veterans Affairs and other agencies at all levels of government. We will provide you with detailed information about specific veteran benefits, and what you need to do to apply for them.
As advocates for veterans and their families, Putnam County Veterans Service Agency counselors work closely with the United States Department of Veterans Affairs and other federal, state, local, and private agencies to provide optimal service at the local level. Services include free accredited representation, securing military and personal records, obtaining medals and awards and assistance with veterans real property tax exemption filing and veterans medical ID card enrollment.
Contact Veterans
Service Agency
Office | 845.808.1620
Fax | 845.808.1940
Address | Donald B. Smith Campus 110 Old Route 6, Building 3 Carmel, NY 10512

Karl Rohde
Veterans Service Agency
Services Offered
- Provide outreach and community resources to Putnam County New York’s Veterans and their family members
- Assist Putnam County Veterans and their family members with their federal VA claims and benefits through our Local & State Veteran Service Officers.
- Fortify our County level Veteran programs that provide Putnam County Veterans and their families a fair shot.
Want to learn more? Give us a call at 845.808.1620
The Row of Honor is a beautiful way to show gratitude to the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice for our safety and freedom, This biannual tradition means so much to both Veterans who have risked their lives for their country, and the families who have lost their loved ones.”
A flag can be sponsored for $100 dollars in the name of a loved one lost in the service of our country. All proceeds are given directly to VET2VET, a program that helps Veterans suffering from PTSD, depression, and other difficulties, reintegrate into society.
Flags can be ordered at (845) 808-1620. Checks are payable to:
Joint Veterans Council c/o PC Veterans Affairs
Donald B. Smith Government Campus
110 Old Route 6 Bldg. 3 Carmel, NY 10512
Return the F.A.V.O.R Program – In Putnam County we love to help our Veterans. With the F.A.V.O.R . Program you will see a list of local businesses that have special services and deals just for our Veterans.
Want to learn more? Give us a call at 845.808.1620
We provide articles and Information for Veterans as well as the general public to read , learn about what the Veterans Service Agency Services we provide, and share news and resources to assist & educate our Veteran’s and the general public.
SITREP News & Newsletters
County Executive Kevin Byrne and Deputy County Executive Jim Burpoe were among the 85 volunteers supporting Guardian Revival’s 9th annual Veterans Chow Down
Diary of a Horse Skeptic- June 2023
Diary of a Horse Skeptic -May 29th 2023
A Tale of Two Grievances
Diary of a Horse Skeptic - May 2023
National Loyalty Day
5 Myths About the PACT Act and VA Benefits
VA to pay for all emergency mental health care starting January 17, 2023
New Guardian Connect (G-Connect) Program
VA Day in Putnam
Diary of a Horse Skeptic - January 2023
Christmas in the Trenches by John McCutcheon
Diary of a Horse Skeptic – June 2022
The Real Meaning of Memorial Day
The Putnam County Veterans Memorial Park will open for the season on Memorial Day Weekend
County Executive MaryEllen Odell extends her appreciation to the New York City Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), whose stewardship of the lake has kept it pristine
Previous Newsletters
- Putnam Veterans - SitRep - Vol 15 Issue 2
- Putnam Veterans - SitRep - Vol 15 Issue 1
- Putnam Veterans - SitRep - Vol 14 Issue 13
- Putnam Veterans - SitRep - Vol 14 Issue 12
- Putnam Veterans - SitRep - Vol 14 Issue 10
- Putnam Veterans - SitRep - Vol 14 Issue 9
- Putnam Veterans - SitRep - Vol 14 Issue 8
- Putnam Veterans - SitRep - Vol 14 Issue 7
- Putnam Veterans - SitRep- Vol 14 Issue 6
- Putnam Veterans - SitRep- Vol 14 Issue 5
- Putnam Veterans - SitRep- Vol 14 Issue 4
- Putnam Veterans - SitRep- Vol 14 Issue 3
- Putnam Veterans- SitRep- Vol 14 Issue 2
- Putnam Veterans-SitRep- Vol 14 Issue 1
- Putnam Veterans-SitRep- Vol 13 Issue 17
- Putnam Veterans- SitRep- Vol 13 Issue 16
- Putnam Veterans-SitRep-Vol 13 Issue 15
- Putnam Veterans-SitRep-Vol 13 Issue 14
- Putnam Veterans-SitRep-Vol 13 Issue 10
- Putnam Veterans-SitRep-Vol 13 Issue 8
- Putnam Veterans-SitRep-Vol 13 Issue7
- Putnam Veterans-SitRep-Vol 13 Issue6
- Putnam Veterans-SitRep-Vol 13 Issue5
- Putnam Veterans-SitRep-Vol 13 Issue4
- Putnam-Veterans-SitRep-Vol13 -Issue3
- Putnam-Veterans-SitRep-Vol13 -Issue2
- Putnam-Veterans-SitRep-Vol13 -Issue1
- Putnam Veterans SitRep-Vol12 Issue14
- Putnam Veterans SitRep Vol12 Issue13
- Putnam Veterans SitRep Vol12 Issue12
- Putnam Veterans SitRep Vol12 Issue11
- Putnam Veterans SitRep Vol12 Issue10
- Putnam Veterans SitRep Vol12 Issue9
- Putnam Veterans SitRep Vol12 Issue8
- Putnam Veterans SitRep Vol12 Issue7
- Putnam Veterans SitRep Vol12 Issue6
- Putnam Veterans SitRep Vol 12 issue5
- Putnam Veterans SitRep Vol 12 issue4
- Putnam Veterans SitRep Vol 12 Issue 3
- Putnam Veterans SitRep Vol 12 Issue 1