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Putnam County

Bureau of Emergency Services

Mission Statement

The Putnam County Bureau of Emergency Services is dedicated to provide prompt and efficient emergency assistance to residents and visitors of Putnam County.

The Bureau maintains a county-wide communications organization and is responsible for the operations & maintenance of the Enhanced 911 system. The Bureau Emergency Management directorate plans for response, remediation / mitigation and recovery from natural and manmade disasters including those resulting from biological, nuclear, incendiary, chemical and explosive causes.

Contact the Bureau of Emergency Services

  • Robert Lipton


Bureau of Emergency Services

Services Offered

Office of Emergency Management

The Bureau of Emergency Services is responsible for the development, maintenance and execution of county emergency management plans which include the Indian Point Radiological Emergency Preparedness Plan and the Hazard Mitigation Plan. Additionally, the Bureau is responsible for the opening and operation of the Emergency Operating Center where major events in the community are organized and operated.

911 Center – Communications

The 911 Communications Center is the sole Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) for Putnam County. The center manages and coordinates communication with 8 police agencies, 7 EMS agencies, and 13 fire departments.


The Bureau of Emergency Services offers a wide array of training opportunities in the areas of Emergency Medical Service, Firefighting, and Emergency Management.

County Teams

List of Putam County Bureau of emergency services teams.

  • Empress
  • Prevention Council
  • Philipstown Behaviors Health HUB
  • Nuvance
  • Guardian Revival
  • Putnam County Youth Bureau
  • Office of Senior Resources

Here is a list of resources that we have vetted for your own use.

Storm Recovery Resources

Click here for a list of helpful resources and steps on what to do to aid with storm recovery.




  • Robert Lipton

  • Ralph Falloon

    Deputy Commissioner
  • Heidi Zatkovich

    Confidential Secretary to the Commissioner
  • Robert Cuomo

    Director of Emergency Medical Services
  • Christopher Shields

    Director of Emergency Management
  • Ann Daros

    Educational Coordinator
  • Tony Iraola

    HOLTEC Indian Point Liaison
  • Cindy Jacobsen

    911 Dispatch Center Supervisor
  • Linda McGuinness

    Essential Support Staff
  • Janet Neuner

    Essential Support Staff

Office of Emergency Management

The Bureau of Emergency Services is responsible for the development, maintenance and execution of county emergency management plans which is included in the Hazard Mitigation Plan. Additionally, the Bureau is responsible for the opening and operation of the Emergency Operations Center where major events in the community are organized and operated.

EOC – The Emergency Operations Center is the heart of operations during an emergency resulting from any type of situation. Representatives from the state, emergency services, law enforcement, highway department, utilities, etc. come together to make assessments, gather resources and aid the County Executive in making decisions about the situation.

Indian Point Update – Indian Point is a permanently shut down nuclear power plant located in Buchanan, NY, in Westchester County, approximately 40 miles north of New York City. It is now owned by Holtec International.

Both nuclear plants at Indian Point have shut down and the nuclear fuel has been removed from the reactors. All of the nuclear fuel has been placed in 180-ton steel and concrete casks on a secure, seismically engineered concrete pad at the site. These casks are designed to withstand natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods and tornadoes. Since the fuel has been placed in long-term storage in the casks, there is no longer any risk of a radiological emergency at the site affecting Putnam County. As such, the formal emergency planning that was required by Putnam County for Indian Point is no longer required by the federal government.

The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission oversees the decommissioning process. The spent fuel will remain safe and secure onsite until it is taken away for disposal by the US Department of Energy. Until that time, a robust security program will be maintained at the site.
Putnam County will continue to monitor the decommissioning process as it progresses and maintain emergency plans commensurate for the hazards at the site.

Hazard Mitigation Plan - The Hazard Mitigation Plan is a 5-year plan that was updated in 2020 and expires in 2025. Each town and village in Putnam, including the County as a whole, has written into the plan actionable items of mitigation. Each town and village including the County is responsible for updating their mitigating actions results. See Hazard Mitigation plan in library.

Hazardous Mitigation Plan


  • Disasters can happen at anytime and anyplace; their human and financial consequences are hard to predict.
  • The number of disasters each year is increasing, but only 50% of events trigger Federal assistance.
  • FEMA's mitigation programs help reduce the impact of events—and our dependence on taxpayers and the Treasury for disaster relief.

WHAT IS MITIGATION? The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) defines mitigation as the effort to reduce loss of life and property by lessening the impact of disasters. FEMA encourages taking action now in order to reduce extensive loss later. The Bureau of Emergency Services along with County, Town, and Village  representatives are currently working together in order to create a Putnam County Hazard Mitigation Plan. The plans main objective is to fix current problem areas and mitigate future problems throughout the County. This federally ran plan through FEMA provides federal support and resources for the County and its municipalities. In the event of a disaster this plan will help provide additional resources and support the affected communities and the County; as a result investing in long-term community well-being. Without mitigation actions safety, financial security, and self-reliance are jeopardized. 

    2021 Final Putnam County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update

    The 2021 Putnam County HMP has been submitted to and approved by NYSDHSES and FEMA. Final sections of the plan are provided below. To access, click the section name and it will open in a new window.

    Volume I

    Volume II


    911 Center – Communications

    The 911 Communications Center is the sole Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) for Putnam County. The center manages and coordinates communication with 8 police agencies, 7 EMS agencies, and 13 fire departments.

    In 2022, the 911 Communications Center answered 114,246 emergency calls for assistance. Our dispatchers are highly trained Public Safety Telecommunicators able to handle any 911 calls for assistance from an accidental misdial to childbirth or a cardiac arrest.

    Each dispatcher is trained to triage incoming calls and then provide pre-arrival instructions. They coach callers on lifesaving instructions prior to the arrival of first responders.

    Dispatchers provide reassurance and guide callers through the process of collecting information like the address of the emergency, the number they are calling from and the nature of the problem to allow for the dispatching of appropriate resources.

    Emergency Medical Services

    Empress EMS is proud to partner with Putnam County in providing comprehensive, compassionate emergency medical services to county residents. With nearly 40 years of experience in the region, Empress is one of the largest emergency and non-emergency response providers in Westchester, Putnam, Rockland, Dutchess, Ulster, Sullivan, and Orange Counties as well as the Bronx. 


    Fire Training Center – The Fire Training Center offers a full range of training opportunities. From a state of the art burn building to a mask confidence course, roof simulator and propane simulator capable of full vehicle burns to simulated tank burns. Practice drafting and hydrant hookups with pumping relays are also available.

    Volunteer Opportunities Putnam County offers many Firefighter volunteer opportunities. 

    View Volunteer List

    Storm Recovery Resources

    For Assistance with Shelter, Temporary Housing and Food Supplies contact:

    • Red Cross (845) 471.0200
    • Salvation Army (914) 737.0280
    • Putnam County Department of Social Services (845) 808.1500 x 45233
    • Medical Reserve Corps (202).692.4724

    For Assistance with storm related issues concerning Seniors, contact:

    • Office of Senior Resources (845) 808.1700

    To report power outages, wires down or inquire about service restoration contact:

    • NYSEG (800) 572.1121
    • Central Hudson (845).452.2700

    To report fallen trees, flooded roadways, or roads unable to pass, contact:

    • Department of Transportation (845) 878.7433
    • Putnam County Department of Public Works  (845) 878.6331

    *Sandbags are available from DPW at these locations:

    • 842 Fair Street in Carmel 
    • 600 Route 6N in Mahopac
    • Philipstown highway and Fishkill road for Philipstown residents
    • Village of Coldspring Highway Fair Street for Cold Spring residents

    For assistance with water impacted property, standing water, septics and wells, contact:

    • Department of Health 845.808.1390 – water impacted property, septic, well water, standing water – pump out with new paint chipping (lead testing, asbestos)

    For assistance with farmland damaged from the storm contact:

    • Cornell Cooperative (845) 278-6738

    Governmental agencies who provide information and guide you to resources, contact:

    • 211 - Multiple resources availability
    • Environmental Protection Agency
    • NYS Disaster and Flood Recovery Resources (800) 339-1759

    FEMA Help After a Disaster
    Phone: (800) 621-3362 (TTY 800-462-7585)

    Set forth below are steps you should follow:

    • If you have damage to your home from the rainstorm of 7/9 and 7/10, you must first file a claim with your personal insurance company. 
    • Letters denying insurance claims, and any official correspondence related to items not covered by insurance, will be needed for any type of FEMA reimbursements, which may be filed once your town has been approved for FEMA eligibility.
    • Next, take lots of pictures, with close-up and panoramic views of all damage.  Print all pictures.
    • Keep all receipts for anything bought in the process of repair of damaged property.
    • Keep a specific record of all destroyed/damaged items with estimated costs for replacement.  All of these items should be filed with your insurance company claim.
    • All documents must be saved and secured until it is time to file for FEMA reimbursements. 
    • NY Alert – Providing critical information and emergency alerts on what’s happening in their areas.
    • National Weather Service For up to the minute weather information.
    • NYSEG – For information about power outages in your area.


    Training - The Bureau of Emergency Services offers a wide array of training opportunities in the areas of Emergency Medical Service, Firefighting, and Emergency Management. Click here for more information. (Click and go to Save a Life website)

    Emergency Medical Services – Our EMS training department offers Original and Refresher EMT courses, CPR, First Aid, Stop the Bleed, and Narcan administration. For more information go to Learn to Save a Life. (Click and go to Save a Life website)

    Fire – Numerous firefighting courses are available each year ranging from exterior operations to firefighter I and II courses. Ladder and engine operations, rescue operations, pump operations and many others courses become available throughout the year by request.

    Emergency Management - The (TOPS) Training and Operations building also hosts a variety of Emergency Management training courses, planning workshops and informational events aimed at enhancing citizen preparedness and community resilience. Local residents, elected officials, community leaders and non-governmental organizations gain useful knowledge and training that can make them more resilient during emergencies and also identifies capabilities that can help with recovery efforts.

    Continuing Education and Call Audits – continuing education is an important component in keeping our emergency medical community up to date on the latest policies, protocols, and medical advancements. Visit our calendar of events for dates and times.

    County Teams

    Hazmat The HAZMAT Team is a county sponsored team comprised of members from local volunteer Fire Departments across Putnam. The team responds to chemical spills, public transportation collisions, and the accidental releases of substances. Putnam’s Hazmat team works in tandem with surrounding counties so that each response has the correct manpower and tools needed to be successful.

    Fire Investigation – The Fire Investigation Team (FIT) responds to scenes of fires where the cause is unknown, or the specific origin is not apparent. Once on scene, the highly trained and experienced team members begin a disciplined and detailed analysis to attempt to determine the cause and origin.

    Fire Police - The Fire Police Team is requested when a major incident or emergency occurs and there is a need for an Incident Commander (IC). Their responsibility once on scene is to direct traffic, crowd control and provide security. They can be requested to supplement local law enforcement at public events where there are large groups of attendees.


    • Empress
    • Prevention Council -
    • Philipstown Behaviors Health HUB -
    • BOCES -
    • Nuvance -
    • Guardian Revival –
    • Putnam County Youth Bureau
    • Office of Senior Resources

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