Youth Bureau
Mission Statement
The Putnam County Youth Bureau receives funding from the New York State Office of Children and Family Services and is responsible for administering four state funding streams.
These programs serve youth who are at risk of becoming involved or further involved in the juvenile justice or human services system. They specifically aim to divert youth from placement in out of home settings.
Contact the
Putnam County Youth Bureau
Office | 845.808.1600
Fax | 845.808.1907
Email | Send us a message
Address | 110 Old Route 6, Building 3 Carmel, NY 10512

Janeen Cunningham
Youth Bureau
Services Offered
The Putnam County Youth Bureau receives funding from the New York State Office of Children and Family Services and is responsible for administering four state funding streams.
These programs serve youth who are at risk of becoming involved or further involved in the juvenile justice or human services system. They specifically aim to divert youth from placement in out of home settings.
List of supported Recreation Programs.
Putnam County would like to announce that we have partnered with several community agencies and developed a new multi-faceted prevention program called Supervision and Treatment Services for Juveniles Program (STSJP). This program is aimed at assisting youth who are demonstrating behaviors that place them at risk for possible involvement in the Juvenile Justice System. These behaviors may include truancy, substance abuse, inappropriate peer interaction, a history of abuse or neglect, emotional difficulties, and a host of other concerns.
The Teens~N~Kids Mentoring Program matches elementary age students with high school students as their mentors. It offers the younger children an opportunity to develop positive relationships, social skills, and confidence while engaging in a variety of activities.
Funding Available for
New Youth Programs
CSI is a partnership between family members and service providers designed to assist families whose children have mental health needs. Our goal is to keep families together by creating linkages to community based services.
Every year the Putnam County Youth Board and Youth Bureau host their Annual Youth Awards Dinner. We recognize Youth Volunteers for their exemplary community service efforts that benefit Putnam residents. In addition, an adult is honored at this event for his/her outstanding volunteer work with Putnam Youth.
Youth Court is a family court diversion program aimed at reducing juvenile delinquency in the county. Youth Court volunteer members range in ages 12-19 and come from various communities and school districts in Putnam. Members must complete a 10-week training program.
Are you interested in serving our Putnam community and making a difference? If so, consider the Putnam County Youth Board.
The Putnam County Youth Bureau and youth Board are seeking new Youth Board members and welcome your input. Any student or adult who lives in, works in, or attend school in Putnam County is eligible to join the Youth Board.
Meet the amazing team of talented individuals in the Youth Bureau Department.
Funded Programs
The Putnam County Youth Bureau receives funding from the New York State Office of Children and Family Services and is responsible for administering four state funding streams.
These programs serve youth who are at risk of becoming involved or further involved in the juvenile justice or human services system. They specifically aim to divert youth from placement in out of home settings.
Pegasus Program
Program Coordinator: Sheila HanleyFall 2024 Dates: Thursdays - October 17th, 24th, November 7th, 14th, 21st, December 5th
What is Project Pegasus: Pegasus is a confidential educational program for children (ages 5 through 14) who have a parent or family member suffering from
alcoholism or other drug dependencies. The goal of the program is to help these youth deal with their lives more effectively by providing them with a knowledge of addiction, coping skills, and emotional alternatives. Project Pegasus shows the children that they are not alone and that other kids have similar family circumstances and feelings. Some parents are in recovery and want their children to understand their disease. They also want them to know that they (the children) are at a higher risk of becoming addicted. Other adults have participated - a spouse of a parent struggling with addiction or a temporary caregiver (i.e., Grandparent, Aunt, etc.). The parent group is made up of both those in recovery and co-dependents of chemically dependents.
How does the program work?❖ Children ages 5 through 14 residing in Putnam County are eligible to participate. Children must be accompanied by at least 1adult. There is no fee for families who attend the program.
❖ Pegasus is offered twice a year in 8-week sessions in the spring and in the fall on Thursday evenings from 6:00 - 7:30 pm.
❖ Youth & adults are placed in separate groups.
❖ Each week pizza is provided for the families attending.
❖ Confidentiality is always respected, creating a safe environment for children & their families.
Pre-registration is Required For more information or to register please contact: Sheila Hanley – Pegasus Coordinator (845) 808-1600 ext. 46126This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. -
CoveCare Center
Program Director: Steven FarinaOffers a comprehensive youth assistance program with a focus on adolescent depression and youth suicide awareness. Coordinates the efforts of the County’s education, mental health, and youth services system in identifying and assisting youth.
1808 Route 6, Carmel, New York 10512
(845) 225-2700 -
Putnam County School-Based Prevention
Provides student assistance counseling in Putnam County high schools.
1808 Route 6, Carmel, New York 10512
(845) 225-2700 x130 -
Youth Court Program
Program Director: Dana Erickson & Kim FlynnYouth Court is a peer court program established to reduce incidents of juvenile crime by serving as a community-based alternative to Family Court. Volunteer members throughout Putnam County participate in a 10-week training program that prepares them to serve in the roles of Judge, Defense Attorney, Prosecuting Attorney, Court Clerk, Bailiff, and Jury in actual cases of youth under 16 charged with a crime.
Donald B. Smith County Government Campus, 110 Old Route 6, Building 3 Carmel, New York 10512
(845) 808-1600 ext. 46122 -
Coordinated Youth and Family Services Project
Program Director: Janeen CunninghamPutnam County Youth Bureau: Provides a coordinated interagency approach to case planning and implementation. Case planning may include referrals to treatment and/or service providers with ongoing advocacy and comprehensive case planning based on individual family needs.
Donald B. Smith County Government Campus, 110 Old Route 6, Building 3, Carmel, New York 10512
(845) 808-1600, ext. 46120 -
Youth Awards
Coordinator: Christine AndrewsPutnam County Youth Board: Annual dinner to recognize outstanding youth volunteers whose community service efforts benefit the residents of Putnam County.
Donald B. Smith County Government Campus, 110 Old Route 6, Building 3, Carmel, New York 10512
(845) 808-1600, ext. 46113 -
Youth Forum
Executive Director: Janeen CunninghamThe Putnam County Youth Bureau: This is a one-day conference planned and run by high school students, for high school students.
Donald B. Smith County Government Campus, 110 Old Route 6, Building 3, Carmel, New York 10512
(845) 808-1600, ext. 46120 -
Youth Development Program:
These programs address specific target populations, school-related prevention problems, multi-problem families, or employment projects for youth.
CoveCare Center: Provides student assistance counseling in Putnam County high schools.
1808 Route 6, Carmel, New York 10512
(845) 225-2700 x130 -
Arbor House
Green Chimneys Children’s Services: Provides case management, independent living skills training, referral assistance, advocacy, basic need support and transportation for the 16 to 20-year-old homeless or at risk of becoming homeless population.
400 Doansburg Road, Caller Box 719, Brewster, New York 10509
(845) 278-4486 -
Runaway and Homeless Youth Program
This program provides shelter for runaway and homeless youth and serves as a community-based referral and counseling network.
Arbor House – Green Chimneys Children’s Services: Provides crisis intervention, counseling and case management services to runaway and homeless youth or youth at risk of running away or becoming homeless and their families. Arbor House also offers emergency shelter through a six-bed Safe House or through a network of Interim Families.
400 Doansburg Road, Caller Box 719, Brewster, New York 10509
(845) 278-4486 -
Runaway and Homeless Youth Coordination Program
Coordinator:Putnam County Youth Bureau: Assists the Youth Bureau in developing and implementing the county plan to improve services to runaway and homeless youth and their families and ensures that services to runaway and homeless youth and their families are provided in accordance with runaway and homeless youth regulations.
Donald B. Smith County Government Campus, 110 Old Route 6, Building 3, Carmel, New York 10512
(845) 808-1600, ext. 46116
Recreation Programs
Town of Putnam Valley
Program Contact Person: Frank DiMarco (845) 526-3292 Fax: (845) 526-3179 www.PVPR.comPutnam Valley Parks and Recreation
265 Oscawana Lake Road,
Putnam Valley, NY 10579Website: www.PVPR.com
(Ages 4 – 20)
Site: Putnam Valley Elementary, Junior High Schools and Town Park
Serves: General Youth PopulationProvides youth ages pre-school through 12th grade with safe organized activities within the framework of the Recreation Department. This program is also designed to encourage teens in the area to participate and become part of town activities.
Town of Phillipstown
Program Contact Person: Amber Stickle (845) 265-5200Philipstown Recreation Department
P.O. Box 155 238 Main Street,
Cold Spring, NY 10516(Ages 13 – 20)
Site: Haldane High School
Serves: General Youth PopulationProvides structured, supervised leisure time of teens in 7th through 12th grades, increases activities for youth including trips and transportation to sporting and cultural events and expands programs held at Haldane High School.
Town of Southeast
Program Contact Person: Patricia BohrmanThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Phone: 845-279-3915 Fax: 845-279-3137Town of Southeast Recreation
1 Main Street
Brewster, NY 10509Website: www.southeast-ny.gov
Serves: All residents preschool through senior citizens
Rentals: Lakeview Manor – Available for rental for parties. Ball fields are available for rent to sports teams.
The Town of Southeast offers a wide variety of programs to enhance our community experience from preschool right up through our seniors. We have a multitude of camp offerings such as Yoga & Journaling, Young Rembrandts, Tennis, Taekwondo, football, basketball, volleyball, track & field, Lego, Mad Science, wrestling, baseball, and cheerleading. We also have several leagues for our youths and adults including men’s and youth basketball, youth football, youth cheer, and men’s and women’s softball. Our residents enjoy Lake Tonetta during our summer months and swimming lessons and swim team are programs we offer at the lake. Our seniors enjoy aerobics and senior programs as well as many day trips organized by the Southeast Seniors group. Our programs are designed to pique the interest of a vast array resident interests to allow for social interaction in a safe, fun environment. Southeast Recreation works diligently to foster a community spirit and peer interaction with our youth and adults alike.
Town of Patterson
Program Contact Person: Matthew Chibbaro (845) 878-7200Patterson Recreation Department
65 Front Street
P.O. Box 278
Patterson, New York 12563Website: www.pattersonrec.org
Rental: Available for parties and events in our Recreation Room. Our gymnasium and ball fields are rented out for sports teams.
Provides recreation programs for citizen’s age 24 months to seniors. The Patterson Recreation Center provides activities in the form of camps, sports clinics, and community programs. The Patterson Recreation Department also offers other activities such as yoga, Zumba, Pokémon, Little Cooks, Bowling, guitar lessons, Kindergarten Enrichment, ski & snowboarding, Tumbling Time, cheerleading, flag football league, senior fitness classes, pizza nights for middle school and elementary-aged children, pilates, circuit-training, senior drop-in, open gym, senior luncheon (monthly) kickboxing, martial arts, karate, youth basketball, adult basketball leagues, summer camps, weight training as well as special events to fulfill a continuing commitment to promote quality recreation for all. The Patterson Recreation Center also rents out their facility for parties and events. They also rent out the gymnasium and ball field to sports teams. The Recreation Center provides a healthy, fun and energetic environment for all!
Town of Carmel
Program Contact Person: James Gilchrist,CPRPThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (845) 628-7888 Fax(845) 628-2820Carmel Recreation and Parks Department
Sycamore Park/790 Long Pond Road
Mahopac, New York 10541(Ages 1 – Senior Citizens)
Site: Sycamore Park
Serves: General Youth PopulationProvides recreation programs for ages 1 to Senior Citizens in the form of camp, swimming, and boating activities, community and sports programs and special events to fulfill a continuing commitment to promote quality recreation for all by offering no-fee pre-school activities in addition to a variety of ongoing youth recreation and senior programs.
Town of Kent
Program Contact Person: Jared KuczenskiThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (845)531-2100 Fax: (845)306-7249Town of Kent Recreation and Parks
770 Route 52
Kent Lakes, NY 10512(Ages 3 – 20)
Sites: Kent Primary and Elementary Schools, Rte. 52, Carmel, NY
Park, West Drive and Towner Road, Carmel, NY
Park, Rte. 301, Carmel, NY
Edward Ryan Park – 43 Park Road, Kent, NY 10512
Huestis Park – 178 Farmers Mill Road, Kent, NY 10512
Serves: General Youth PopulationThe Town of Kent Recreation and Parks Department provides a myriad of sport and recreation activities for its residence. We offer youth baseball, softball, basketball, soccer, gymnastics, bowling, ski program and other sport opportunities throughout the year. There is an adult men’s spring softball and fall softball program as well as an adult coed summer softball league We have many community special events scheduled including our annual Kent Community Day, Egg Hunt, Summer Movie Nights and Spookeree Parade. All of our programs are designed to foster healthy and positive involvement for all of our residence. Provides active and passive recreation activities to over 1500 youngsters 3 to 20 years with the intent of providing constructive use of their leisure time.
Supervision and Treatment Services for Juveniles Program (STSJP)
Putnam County would like to announce that we have partnered with several community agencies and developed a new multi-faceted prevention program called Supervision and Treatment Services for Juveniles Program (STSJP). This program is aimed at assisting youth who are demonstrating behaviors that place them at risk for possible involvement in the Juvenile Justice System. These behaviors may include truancy, substance abuse, inappropriate peer interaction, a history of abuse or neglect, emotional difficulties, and a host of other concerns.
We welcome an opportunity to meet with you and your staff to present this exciting innovative approach to working with youth who are exhibiting concerning behaviors, by providing them with support, counseling and healthy alternative to assist them in making better choices.
Below you will find a brief description of the services provided in the program, along with contact information, and a link to a referral form. Please feel free to reach out to any these individuals for more detailed information.
If you would like to schedule a time to meet to further discuss the program, answer questions and begin collaboration in addressing the needs of our youth, please contact Janeen Cunningham, Executive Director of the Youth Bureau, at (845) 808-1600, x46120.
Services Offered
Putnam/Northern Westchester Women’s Resource Center
Adolescent Victim Services Project is a trauma informed victim service component for individual adolescents (male and female) who have been victims of sexual, physical or emotional trauma that has contributed to negative behaviors placing them at risk for involvement in the juvenile justice system. The Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) approach will be used for treatment. Contact: Christina Barnard, 628-9284 x220.
Green Chimneys
Intensive Service Coordination Program (ISCP) will provide youth with services to optimize their functioning in their home, school, community and to avoid placement in the juvenile justice system. Goals will be achieved through individualized, strength based services using evidence-based methods. Individual and Family Counseling, case management, skill building, respite services, psycho-educational groups, parent support and overnight respite will be available. Contact: Clare Rigano, 279-2995 x702.
Camp Herrlich
This program is available for Middle School (12-15) to attend Camp Herrlich five days a week for day camp. Day camp runs for 9 weeks throughout the summer. Contact: Scott Riches, 878-6662 x306.
The Putnam County Probation Department
conduct curfew checks on all youth involved in the county’s juvenile justice system. Curfew checks are aimed to address the on-going need of at-risk youth and to remind youth of their upcoming court appearances. (PLEASE NOTE: This program is for youth in PINS Prevention or the Green Chimney’s ISCP Program.)
Contact: April Lathrop, 808-1111
Mentoring Program
The Teens~N~Kids Mentoring Program matches elementary age students with high school students as their mentors. It offers the younger children an opportunity to develop positive relationships, social skills, and confidence while engaging in a variety of activities. It can also provide academic support. As positive role models, the mentors demonstrate supportive and caring relationships with their mentees. In addition to the benefit of modeling healthy relationships, the mentors are also exposed to a wonderful leadership opportunity as well as the experience and reward of working with children.
C.C.S.I. - Children's Services
CCSI is a partnership between family members and service providers designed to assist families whose children have mental health needs. Our goal is to keep families together by creating linkages to community based services.
Single Point of Access (or SPOA) is a process facilitated by the Department of Mental Health and attended by providers of intensive community-based programs. The goal is to ensure timely and appropriate access to intensive services for children at risk of multiple hospitalizations and out of home placements. Anyone can make a SPOA referral; however, we need input from you and your child’s mental health provider (such as clinical reports). All SPOA programs utilize a wraparound approach and care coordination. If you have any questions, please contact Dawn Mullins, SPOA at (845) 808-1600, Ext. 46139 or
Below is a brief description of these services.
SPOA SERVICES Home and Community Based Waiver (HCBS) is the highest level of community based care short of a hospital setting. An Individualized Care Coordinator (or ICC) meets with families several times a month and coordinate services (skill building, intensive in-home, family support, crisis response, and respite) to increase community connections. Families can expect a high level of service involvement and multiple service providers.
Community Residence (CR) This is a home-like setting where 8-10 children live while working on an appropriate family plan so that they may return to their community. This allows children and caregivers the space to help them improve their interactions. Children often go home on the weekend and parents are expected to be involved. Parents do not have to give up custody like in a group home. Youth connected to DSS may also use the CR as a resource. Westchester County has two CRs: Abbott House for boys and girls 9-16 and Family Services of Westchester for boys 13-18. Hamptonburgh Residence is a CR in Orange County for girls 12-18.
Residential Treatment Facility (RTF)
This is a licensed New York State Office of Mental Health residential program that fully integrates mental health services for youth 5-21. This process is considered for youth who are identified as having significant mental health needs and it has been determined that all other treatment options have been exhausted. A SPOA application is submitted to the Pre-Admissions Certification Committee (PACC) to determine eligibility. After determination youth is either referred to an RTF or alternative community options are recommended for exploration.
Case Management A Care Coordinator visits regularly to help youth/family identify needs and connect to services and supports as necessary.
ADDITIONAL SERVICES CCSI is a partnership between family members and service providers designed to assist families whose children have mental health needs. Our goal is to empower families by building upon strengths to create an individualized plan to meet their specific needs within the community.
Family Support is available to you and your family whether or not you receive SPOA services.
CoveCare Center offers Family Peer Support and Advocacy for parents/guardians of children with serious emotional, social and behavioral challenges. Staff are parents who understand the challenges you are facing and can direct you to community resources and supports. Please contact Wanda Crowley at (845) 225-2700, Ext. 224 for more information.
Health Home Care Management A Health Home is not a physical space; it is a care management service model for eligible Medicaid recipients where all of the professionals involved in a member’s care communicate with one another so that the member’s medical, behavioral health and social service needs are addressed in a comprehensive manner. Lead Health Homes work with local Care Management Agencies with a variety of specialties to best serve members in their own communities.
About Youth Awards
Every year the Putnam County Youth Board and Youth Bureau host their Annual Youth Awards Dinner. We recognize Youth Volunteers for their exemplary community service efforts that benefit Putnam residents. In addition, an adult is honored at this event for their outstanding volunteer work with Putnam Youth.
Nomination Form
The “40th Annual Youth Awards Dinner” will take place at Putnam County Golf Course on April 10th, 2025 at 6:30 pm.
All nominations must be received no later than Friday, November 15th, 2024.
Must be a high school student who resides in Putnam County or attends a high school within Putnam.
Volunteer Service performed in 2024 is required; volunteer work from the past 4 years will be considered.
Must be an active volunteer & must have performed a minimum of 1 year of community service in Putnam County; 1-4 years of service will be considered.
Volunteer work benefitting the Putnam community as well as surrounding counties will be considered.
Volunteer service performed for people, organizations or the community must have been unpaid.
Only individual volunteers are eligible for this award; volunteer groups will not be considered.
Nominator may serve as a Reference (unless the nominator is a parent or relative of the Nominee).
Must be over 19 years of age and must live or work in Putnam County.
Must have performed at least two (2) consecutive years of volunteer work with Putnam Youth.
Volunteer work with Putnam County Youth from previous years will be considered.
Volunteer service must have been unpaid and must have benefitted Putnam County residents.
Only individual volunteers are eligible for this award; volunteer groups will not be considered.
Nominator may serve as one of the volunteer’s three (3) required references (unless the nominator is a relative.
“Qualities Considered for Award Selection”
Dedication ♦ Effectiveness ♦ Leadership
Contact the Youth Bureau (845) 808-1600 Ext 46113 or
PHONE (845) 808-1600 EXT. 46113
Volunteer Service Log
Volunteer Service Log: Please log the community service that you performed in 2024, as well as the volunteer work you did in the last four years, which benefits Putnam County residents as well as any volunteer service in the surrounding counties.
Three Individual References: Please request for three individuals to complete an electronic reference form by providing them with the website link. Each individual must indicate specific details about your community service work. (Relatives may NOT serve as a reference and a “minimum & maximum” of three reference forms will be accepted.)
Only complete packets will be reviewed by the Youth Board Selection Committee: Complete packets must include the Volunteer Log and three Reference Forms. Those chosen to receive a 2025 Volunteer Service Award will be honored at our Annual Youth Awards Dinner at Putnam County Golf Course April 2025 at 6:30 pm.
Electronic submission of these packet forms are due no later than: Friday, January 17th, 2025 You will be notified (via email) by the deadline date whether or not a complete packet has been received on your behalf. Please be sure to check your email.
QUESTIONS/INQUIRIES: Contact the Youth Bureau (845) 808-1600 Ext 46113 or
Reference Form
To be eligible for consideration, each Award Nominee must have a complete packet containing three completed online Reference Forms and one detailed Volunteer Service Log {to be completed by the award nominee}. Upon receipt of all forms, the nominee will be notified of their complete packet.
All sections of the online reference form must be completely filled in and submitted for the candidate to be considered.
Specific information must be provided regarding quality & quantity of volunteer work performed. Our Focus is Community Service that benefits Putnam Residents as well as the surrounding counties.
All complete packets will be reviewed, scored and ranked by the Youth Board Selection Committee. Those chosen to receive a 2025 Youth Volunteer Service Award will be honored at our Annual Youth Awards Dinner at Putnam County Golf Course April 2025 at 6:30 pm.
Contact the Youth Bureau (845) 808-1600 Ext 46113 or
Thank You for your Interest in the Youth of Putnam County!
Sponsored by the Putnam County Youth Bureau & Putnam County Youth Board 110 Old Route Six – Building 3 – Carmel, NY 10512 Phone (845) 808-1600 Ext. 46113

Youth Court
About Youth Court
Youth Court is a family court diversion program aimed at reducing juvenile delinquency in the county. Youth Court volunteer members range in ages 12-19 and come from various communities and school districts in Putnam. Members must complete a 10-week training program. Youth Court members hear cases of first time offenders between ages 7 and 17. This program offers these youth an opportunity to constructively assume responsibility for their actions and a chance to learn about the justice system.

Youth Board
About Youth Board
Are you interested in serving our Putnam community and making a difference? If so, consider the Putnam County Youth Board.
The Putnam County Youth Bureau and youth Board are seeking new Youth Board members and welcome your input. Any student or adult who lives in, works in, or attend school in Putnam County is eligible to join the Youth Board.
The Youth Board, which serves in an advisory capacity, is composed of teen and adult members who meet monthly to discuss youth program ideas, review funding requests, and make recommendations. The Youth Board and the Youth Bureau co-host a Youth Awards dinner each Spring to honor Putnam teens whose outstanding volunteer efforts have benefited our Putnam community.
The Youth Board meets for one hour on the third Wednesday of the month at 4 pm at the Youth Bureau office, 110 Old Route 6, Building 3, in Carmel. Why not attend one of our Board meetings to learn what we are all about. If this sounds interesting, just call Christine Andrews, Youth Bureau Secretary, at 845.808.1600 ext. 46113 for more information.
we hope you will consider joining us in our effort to make Putnam County a better place for youth so they can become better leaders Tomorrow!
Documents / Applications

Youth Bureau Staff
Janeen Cunningham | Director | Ext. 46120
Janeen Cunningham began working at the Putnam County Youth Bureau in 2003 as the Deputy Director and was then promoted to Executive Director. She is a graduate of SUNY Delhi with an AAS degree in Recreation Management. Her Bachelor of Science degree is from SUNY Brockport in Physical Education and holds a Master of Science Degree in Counseling. She is a certified Instructor in Lifeguard Training, First Aid and CPR-For the Professional Rescuer for the American Red Cross. She is a Safe School Ambassador trainer and has been trained in Mental Health First Aid.
Dawn Mullins | Coordinator of CCSI | Ext. 46139
Dawn Mullins is the Coordinator of CCSI (Coordinated Children’s Services Initiative) and SPOA (Single Point of Access) for Children and families for the Putnam county dept. of mental health. The objectives of these blended initiatives are to provide assessment, referral, support and strength based service coordination to families with children between the ages of 5-21 with severe emotional or behavioral disturbances, or other complex needs. Dawn is a licensed Social Worker and a Credentialed Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Counselor with over 30 years of experience in the mental health field, as well as extensive experience in the fields of substance abuse prevention.
Christine Andrews | Secretary | Ext. 46113
Christine Andrews joined the Putnam County Youth Bureau as the Secretary in 2015. She has many years of administrative experience working in various industries. Since joining the Youth Bureau, her key role is to coordinate the annual Youth Awards Dinner event, which recognizes and honors exemplary youth and adults for their volunteer efforts in Putnam County.
Diane Carlsen | Account Clerk | Ext. 46116
Diane Carlsen has been a Putnam County resident since 1998, originally from Ardsley, N.Y. She earned her Bachelor of Science degree from SUNY New Paltz. Diane joined the Youth Bureau staff in February 2023. She currently resides with her family in Putnam Valley.
Dana Erickson | Program Specialist | Ext. 46118
Dana Erickson began her journey at the Putnam County Youth Bureau as an intern, observing and participating in the many programs offered by the Youth Bureau, such as Pegasus, Youth Court, SIDNE, and the Teen-N-Kids Mentoring Program. Since the conclusion of her internship, Dana had taken on the role of Youth Program Specialist in the aforementioned programs. Dana has an undergraduate degree in Behavioral Science and a graduate degree in Sociology. She has a long history working with youth due to her four year internship at St. Joseph’s Elementary School.
Kim Flynn | Program Specialist | Ext. 46123
Kim Flynn received her Bachelor’s Degree in Childhood Education from Pace University. She worked as a Vocational Counselor at CAREERS Support Solutions assisting individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities find and maintain employment as well as assisting high school students transition to a work environment. Kim is a lifelong resident of Carmel. Kim began her career with the Youth Bureau in 2016 as a Pegasus Program Case Worker/Coordinator and in 2022 she took on the role as Youth Program Specialist.
Naomi Bowen | Youth Aide | Ext. 46124
Naomi Bowen is the latest addition to the Putnam County Youth Bureau. Her role is within the Teen-N- Kids Mentoring and Youth Court programs, currently. Her Bachelors of the Arts degree, previous teaching experience and love of all things done in creativity, will ensure she brings the fun of art to the families of Putnam in her position as Youth Aide.
Naomi previously served as the Art Director for a Grant based program for the Police Athletic League in Yonkers, where she created and implemented an art program for at risk youth between the ages of 6-13. The artwork created in this program was put on exhibition at the Yonkers Public Library, was featured in the local newspaper and highlighted on News 12.
Exciting programs and opportunities for the Putnam County youth are on the horizon, with Naomi in her new role, encouraging creativity and expression through art. She will also be available to assist the Spanish speaking families within the community as well.
Lori Fava | Teacher
Lori Fava is a teacher with Putnam County Youth Bureau’s Pegasus Program. She is also a Para-Professional at Carmel Central School District. Her primary responsibility is providing teacher support and student behavior management. She is passionate about successfully impacting her students in a positive, energetic and helpful manner along with building strong relationships and being a positive role model. Her previous work experience incudes twenty-two years within the corporate industry servicing the Finance and Pharmaceutical industry as an Administrative Officer/Staffing Specialist.
She enjoys spending quality time with her children along with cooking, baking and watching movies.
John Mulreany | Program Specialist
John Mulreany took on the role of Youth Program Specialist for Putnam County Youth Bureau’s SIDNE Program in July 2022. He is a Carmel High School graduate, is a Westchester Community College graduate with an AS degree in Business Administration and a SUNY Oneonta graduate with a BS degree in Business Economics.
John was employed as a Putnam County Probation Officer from February 1, 1988, until July 8, 2022. He has been a Security Officer at Putnam Hospital Center from 1996 until present.
John is a current Board member (Treasurer) of the Prevention Council of Putnam, a life member of Carmel Fire Department (Past President and Past Treasurer), a life member of Carmel Volunteer Ambulance Corp. (Past President), and a former Board member of Putnam Federal Credit Union.
News & Newsletters
The Putnam County Youth Bureau and Youth Board will be hosting their 40th Annual Youth Awards Dinner and are in search of youth and adult candidates
Now seeking nominations for the 40th annual Youth Volunteer & The James F. Reitz Services Awards
The Putnam County Youth Bureau's Isa DeRosa has been selected to represent Putnam County on the New York State Governor’s Youth Council
Putnam County Youth Bureau became the only Youth Bureau in New York State to be awarded a highway safety grant by the NYS Governor's Traffic Safety Committee
The Putnam County Youth Bureau is requesting proposals for youth development programs from municipalities and non-profit, community-based organizations
Global Traffic Safety Month
Global Traffic Safety practice at the Historic Courthouse
17 Recognized at Youth Awards Dinner
2021 Youth Court Graduation Ceremony
PUTNAM COUNTY YOUTH COURT to Honor the 20th Anniversary of 9/11