MRC Code of Conduct Information
MRC Code of Conduct Information
Review & Agree to abide by the Putnam County MRC Code of Conduct
As a Putnam County Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) Volunteer, I agree to abide by the Putnam County MRC Code of Conduct as outlined below:
Ethical Conduct
- Maintain and abide by the standards of my profession including licensure, certification and / or training requirements to support my MRC role.
- Act in the capacity of a MRC responder or volunteer only after prior authorization/deployment from the Putnam County Department of Health or Putnam County Bureau of Emergency Services.
- Dress appropriately and always look professional. The MRC badge/identification must be worn at all times.
- Avoid profane and abusive language, and/or disruptive behavior, including behavior that is dangerous to self and others. This includes acts of violence, physical or sexual abuse or harassment.
- Avoid situations that could be interpreted as a conflict of interest.
- Abstain from the use of county equipment / resources for personal use.
- Abstain from transport, storage and / or consumption of alcoholic beverages and / or illegal substances while performing duties.
- Abstain from responding for duty under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances or under the influence of prescription / non-prescription medication that may influence my ability.
- Abstain from the use of audio/video recording equipment unless authorized.
- Keep contact information current with the Putnam County Department of Health and/or New York State Department of Health database/s.
- Put safety first in all volunteer activities.
- Respect and use all equipment appropriately.
- Promote healthy and safe work practices.
- Take care of self and others.
- Report injuries, illnesses, and accidents to the appropriate staff member.
- Respect the cultures, beliefs, opinions, and decisions of others although I may not always agree.
- Treat others with courtesy, sensitivity, tact, consideration and humility.
- Accept the chain of command and respect of others regardless of position.
- Work within the National Incident Command Structure (NIMS)/Incident Command System.
As a MRC volunteer I shall not:
- Comment, answer questions or divulge any information to the media.
- Accept or seek on behalf of myself or any other person, any financial advantage or gain as a result of the volunteer’s affiliation with the Medical Reserve Corps.
- Use any Medical Reserve Corps affiliation in connection with the promotion of partisan politics, religious matters, or positions on any issue.
- Disclose or use any confidential Medical Reserve Corps information that is available solely as a result of the volunteer’s affiliation with the Medical Reserve Corps to any person not authorized to receive such information.
- Knowingly take any action or make any statement intended to influence the conduct of the Medical Reserve Corps in such a way as to confer any financial benefit on any person, corporation, or entity in which the individual has a significant interest or affiliation.
- Use or authorize the use of the name, emblem, services or property of the Medical Reserve Corps for the benefit or advantage of any person except in conformance with MRC policy.
The Putnam County Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) recruits and trains volunteers to support the county in the event of an emergency or disaster. Their mission is to serve the community by strengthening public health, improving emergency response capabilities and building community resiliency. The Putnam County MRC is one of nearly 1,000 MRCs nationwide that organize locally.
Message from the MRC Coordinator
“MRC volunteers have been instrumental in the health department’s COVID response working alongside County staff. Their assistance has been invaluable – they contributed hundreds of hours of volunteer time and made a difference in the health and well-being of our community.”