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Putnam County Legislature

Laws & Notices

Local Law #5 of 2022 RESOLUTION # 42

01 March 2022

Local Law #5 of 2022
(Full Legislature Mtg. 03/01/2022)
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the County of Putnam as follows:
Section 1.
Section 3.02 of the Putnam County Charter is hereby amended to read as follows:
§ 3.02. Powers and duties.
The County Executive shall be responsible for the proper administration of all County
affairs placed in his or her charge. He or she shall have and exercise all the powers and
duties now or hereafter conferred or imposed on him or her by law or this Charter or the
Administrative Code. Among such powers and duties, but not by way of limitation, the
County Executive shall:
a. Execute and enforce all laws and resolutions of the County Legislature;
b. Exercise supervision and control over all administrative departments, offices and
agencies of the County government and prescribe the internal organization of
such departments, offices and agencies;
c. Be the Chief Budget Officer of the County and be responsible for the preparation
of the operating and capital budgets of the County in the manner provided by this
Charter and the Administrative Code to execute the same in accordance with the
resolutions and appropriations made by the County Legislature;
d. Be responsible for keeping the County Legislature fully advised as to the financial
e. Appoint, supervise and terminate, except as otherwise herein provided, all
executive committees, commissions and boards to assist him or her in exercising
his or her executive functions in the planning, formulation and administration of
executive programs;
f. Appoint without confirmation by the Legislature, to serve at his or her pleasure,
such assistants and employees of this office as may be authorized by the County
g. Make, sign, and implement all contracts on behalf of the County within authorized
appropriations or involving expenditures of County funds, which power may be
delegated for specific matters;
h. Approve or disapprove the sufficiency of sureties on official bonds and
i. Approve or disapprove in writing every proposed local law and resolution and the
County budget by specified items, subject to provisions of § 3.04 of this Charter;
j. Supervise and exercise control over all central administrative services for the
County government, including data processing, tabulation, mail and the
messenger service, printing and reproduction, and telephone and related support
k. Make such recommendations to the County Legislature with respect to the affairs
of the County and its government as he or she may deem appropriate;
l. Declare the existence of emergencies affecting the life, health or safety of the
inhabitants of the County and, except as otherwise provided by law, exercise all
the powers and duties necessary for the protection thereof; notice of any such
emergency shall immediately be given to the Legislature;
m. Perform such other duties and have such other powers as may be prescribed by
law or by the County Legislature and have all necessary and incidental powers to
perform and exercise any of the duties and functions specified or lawfully
delegated to him or her;
n. Make any study or investigation in the best interests of the County, including but
not limited to any study or investigation of the affairs, functions, accounts,
methods, personnel or efficiency of any department, office or agency under his or
her jurisdiction and in furtherance of his or her executive functions;
o. Make available to the Legislature or any Committee of the Legislature, upon
request of the Clerk of the Legislature, department heads to advise or discuss any
program or issue that currently or potentially affects the operation of that
particular department.
Section 2.
This Local Law shall take effect forty-five (45) days after its passage and is subject to
permissive referendum.

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