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Putnam County Legislature

Laws & Notices

Local Law #6 of 2022 RESOLUTION #43

01 March 2022

Local Law #6 of 2022
(Full Legislature Mtg. 03/01/2022)
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the County of Putnam as follows:
Section 1.
Section 3.04-A of the Putnam County Charter is hereby amended to read as follows:
§ 3.04-A. Executive action on resolutions.
Unless otherwise provided in this Charter, every resolution adopted by the County
Legislature, except resolutions establishing the rules and regulations of the Legislature
and other matters pertaining solely to the conduct of its own procedures, shall be
submitted to the County Executive for his or her action within five (5) days after passage.
Within ten (10) days after receipt of the original enactment as passed by the County
Legislature, he or she shall take action approving or vetoing the same.
(a) Approval. In the event of approval by the County Executive, he or she shall
endorse the original document and return it to the Clerk of the County Legislature
within ten (10) days.
(b) Veto. If vetoed by the County Executive, he or she shall so indicate in writing,
setting forth his or her objections to the legislation, and within ten (10) days after
receipt thereof return the original document to the Clerk of the County Legislature
with his or her veto message attached.
(c) Failure to act. If within the ten-day limit the County Executive shall fail either to
approve or veto an enactment as provided above, such enactment shall take effect
in due course without his or her endorsement.
(d) Reconsideration. A vetoed enactment shall be resubmitted to the County
Legislature together with the veto message at its next regular or special meeting,
and such message shall be entered into its Book of Proceedings. Within thirty (30)
days after such receipt and entry, the County Legislature may consider the vetoed
enactment and pass the same over the County Executive's objections by a
favorable vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the whole of its number on a roll-call vote.
Only one such reconsideration vote shall be taken on any single vetoed
Section 2.
This Local Law shall take effect forty-five (45) days after its passage and is subject to
permissive referendum.

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