Laws & Notices

Local Law #14 of 2022 RESOLUTION #187
Local Law #14 of 2022
(Full Legislature Mtg. 10/05/2022)
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the County of Putnam a local law as follows:
Section 1.
Chapter 117 of the Code of Putnam County entitled “APPRENTICESHIP TRAINING
PROGRAM” is hereby created to read as follows:
§ 117-1 Title.
§ 117-2 Legislative intent and purpose.
§ 117-3 Definitions.
§ 117-4 Requirements and exceptions.
§ 117-5 Enforcement.
§ 117-6 Severability.
§ 117-7 Applicability.
§ 117-8 Effective date.
§ 117-1 Title.
This law may be cited as “The Putnam County Workforce Development Diversification
New York State Certified Worker Training Program.”
§ 117-2 Legislative intent and purpose.
The County of Putnam hereby establishes a policy to promote apprenticeship training
and the Putnam County Legislature hereby finds, declares and determines that:
A. New York Labor Law Section 816-b specifically authorizes this Local Law.
B. There has been a long and productive history of partnership between labor
and management in the training of workers in New York State.
C. New York State Certified Worker Training Programs are valuable educational
and training tools for the local workforce by reducing reliance on out-of-area
labor for construction projects.
D. New York State Certified Worker Training Programs provide opportunities for
residents in this area through training and education for skilled jobs.
E. These skilled jobs allow us to reinvest our taxpayer dollars spent on local
construction projects so that local workers and local tax dollars remain within
the local community.
F. It would be valuable to encourage labor and business/industry to participate in
New York State Certified Worker Training Programs to meet the increased
need for trade persons while providing residents the means to earn a better
living and fostering the local and regional economies. ·
G. It is valuable for local government to encourage broad participation in such
New York State Certified Worker Training Programs by the residents of Putnam
County and to foster the equal opportunity of men and women of all races and
backgrounds to participate in order to enhance workforce development and
diversification, and to prevent exclusionary practices which have historically
excluded women and minorities.
H. The New York State Department of Labor sets objective standards and
provides oversight for New York State Certified Worker Training Programs.
These Programs are important because they require on-the-job training and
classroom training, and provide objective industry standards. In effect, these
programs lead to a standardized, cost- effective and skilled local workforce.
I. Nothing in this Local Law should be construed to abrogate the obligations of
Putnam County with respect to its MBE/WBE requirements.
§ 117-3 Definitions.
As used in this law, the following terms shall have the meaning indicated:
An individual written agreement between an employer and an apprentice, or (2) a
written agreement between an employer or an association of employers, and an
organization of employees describing conditions of employment for an apprentice
or (3) a written statement describing conditions of employment for apprentices in
a plant or plants where there is no bona fide employee organization.1
A "construction contract" in excess of $350,000, in the aggregate, as the term
"construction contract" is defined in § 816-b of the Labor Law,2 where the County
Executive is the signatory on behalf of the County of Putnam. It shall not,
however, mean a "construction contract" as defined in § 816-b of the Labor Law
where the County of Putnam is one governmental entity which is bound to a
contract but another governmental entity is also a signatory to the contract or to
1 For reference only: This definition is taken directly from Section 816 of the Labor Law.
2 For reference only: Section 816-b of the New York Labor Law defines "construction contract" as
meaning any contract to which a governmental entity may be a direct or indirect party which involves
the design, construction, reconstruction, improvement, rehabilitation, maintenance, repair, furnishing,
equipping of or otherwise providing for any building, facility or physical structure of any kind.