Recycling & Compost
Curbside garbage and recycling programs are managed by each of the towns in Putnam County. For more information about your program, including pickup schedules, please contact your town.
- Click here for a list of permitted solid waste haulers.
- Click here for a list of permitted septic haulers.
For more information about what can and cannot go in your recycle bin, please visit Recycle Right NY or click here.
Backyard composting is an easy way to reduce waste and turn your kitchen scraps into a soil amendment for your garden. To order a reduced-cost Earth Machine compost bin for your backyard, click here.
Find more information about backyard composting from Cornell Cooperative Extension Putnam County.
Medication Takeback
Unused or expired medications can be brought to any of the Medication Drop Boxes in Putnam County.
Acceptable items include prescription, over-the-counter, and pet medications. Syringes, sharps, and lancets are NOT acceptable. These items can be brought to any hospital or nursing home in New York State. Please call the facility prior to bringing any items for disposal. Click here for information about bringing sharps to Putnam Hospital.
Medication Take Back events are held at least twice a year on the DEA National Prescription Drug Take Back Days. They take place in the Spring and Fall and are done in conjunction with the Prevention Council of Putnam, the Putnam County Sheriff’s Department, and Putnam Hospital.
Medication Drop Boxes can be found in each town:
Kent Police Department
25 Sybil’s Crossing
Kent, NY 10512
Open 24/7 -
Putnam County Sheriff’s Department
3 County Center
Carmel, NY 10512
Open 24/7 -
ACME Pharmacy
1511 Route 22
Brewster, NY 10509
845-940-0565 -
Community Pharmacy
100 Independent Way Ste G
Brewster, NY 10509
845-278-2700 -
Rite Aid
180 Route 52
Carmel NY 10512
845-225-4134 -
Rite Aid
159 Route 6
Carmel NY 10512
845-628-5299 -
Rite Aid
1511 Route 22
Brewster, NY 10509
Hazardous Waste Drop-Off
Putnam County hosts two Household Hazardous Waste Drop Off Days (HHWD) each year, typically the first weekends of May and October at the Canopus Beach Parking Lot at Fahnestock State Park.
There are no more events scheduled for 2024. Please email
All waste is subject to inspection and will only be accepted in the County’s discretion. Please be advised that if any not accepted items as specified above are brought and are determined to present a hazard to residents, workers or the environment, Putnam County reserves the right to take any necessary safety measures, the cost of which shall be the resident’s responsibility.
Paint Recycling
New York State participates in the paint recycling program PaintCare, with several drop-off locations in and near Putnam County. For a list of accepted products, as well as a locator, visist paintcare.org
Electronics Recycling
Each town in Putnam County has their own electronics recycling program. Please check with your town for additional information.
Old or broken electronics can also be brought to Best Buy or Staples for recycling. For items that still work, consider a trade-in program, selling or donating the item.
What to Bring:
- Photo Chemicals
- Non-latex driveway sealer
- Pool Chemicals
- Creosote
- Waste Fuels (Kerosene, Gasoline, oil mixtures, brake fluid, antifreeze, auto fluids)
- Flammable liquids (Lighter Fluids)
- Metal polish
- Drain/oven cleaners
- Rug/upholstery cleaners
- Wood Preservatives
- Turpentine
- Stains & Varnishes
- Paint Thinners & Strippers
- Wood Preservatives
- Mothballs
- Rodent poisons
- Flea powders & collars
- Bug spray
- Nail polish remover, hair dye & hair sprays
- Pesticides (Bactericides, Herbicides, Fungicides, Insecticides)
- Chemical Fertilizers
- Adhesives, Resins, Solvents
- Oil-based & Latex paints
- Mercury containing products
- Button cell batteries (from watches, hearing aids) non-rechargeable only
- Fluorescent light bulbs & tubes
- Hand sanitizer (methanol tainted)
What NOT to Bring:
- Electronics, Computers, VCR's (e-waste)
- Used motor oil
- Plastic bags
- Tires
- Unlabeled/unidentified containers
- Household batteries(AAA, AA, C, D, 9V)
- Rechargeable batteries, sealed lead acid batteries, car batteries, tool batteries
- Fire Extinguishers
- Propane Tanks
- Ammunition, explosives, fireworks
- Asbestos products
- Construction debris
- Furniture, toys or clothing
- Smoke Detectors
- Medical waste, old medications
Litter Cleanup
Did you know Putnam County has a Litter Patrol? If you see litter on the roadside or rail-trail, let us know by filling out this form. Your request will be shared with the Litter Patrol to place on their workorder list.
The Putnam County Department of Health has a limited supply of litter grabbers and safety vests for residents to borrow. If you are interested in borrowing this equipment or would like to request orange trash bags for a clean-up, please contact recycling program staff at 845-808-1390 or at
Litter clean-ups are an opportunity for residents to assist in efforts to keep Putnam County roadways clean. Most importantly, these clean-ups should be done in a safe manner and only on county or town roads.
Have a safe and successful litter cleanup:
- Immediately call 911 when an emergency happens.
- Never walk on guide rails.
- Stay off the underside of overhead bridges.
- Do not lean over bridge railings.
- Always face on-coming traffic.
- Do not to park vehicles on roadways or shoulders.
- All must always wear orange shirts or vests.
- Wear long pants, sturdy shoes/boots, and appropriate gloves.
- Never pick up needles, syringes, jagged glass, animal carcasses or heavy objects. Volunteers are not to pick up anything that could be hazardous.
- All 12-to-17-year-old volunteers must be supervised; there must be at least one adult supervisor for every six 12-to-17-year-olds.
- There will be no activity of any kind by volunteers on the roadway surface. Stay to the left of the white pavement stripe.
- Do not engage in horseplay or other such activity that might jeopardize the volunteers’ safety or distract motorists.
- Volunteers should have a first aid kit with them, and transportation should always be available.
At least one volunteer at each cleanup should know CPR in case there is an emergency.
Volunteers should avoid over exertion and make arrangements to provide drinking water in hot weather.
- The day before the cleanup, take 2 backpacks and individually stuff as many orange bags as you can into each backpack (individually vs. all together is very important). The backpacks will allow the volunteers to just pull out additional bags as they walk along.
NOTE: having one hand for the litter grabber and the other for the bag does not allow volunteers to carry the additional bags…the 40″ X 48″ bags are thick and are just too big to put over one’s belt. There will generally be 18 -24 bags used per mile. - Bring a fully charged cell phone, gloves, and wet wipes. Hiking shoes will give more support than sneakers.
To keep the volunteers from slowing each other down…
- Everyone meet at a place approximately in the middle of your section.
- Split the group in half.
- Each group to walk (WALKING FACING TRAFFIC) along your section heading in opposite directions.
- When the 2 groups get to the respective ends your section (where the Adopt-a-Highway signs are), they are then to carefully cross the road and walk back to the place where they parted with the other group WALKING FACING TRAFFIC.
- Splitting the groups means that each will only have to walk 1/2 the distance and they will not bunch up.
Fill the bags only 2/3 please, as the crews have to lift them over their heads into the back of a truck. As the bags get 2/3 filled, tie the tops and leave them alongside the road. If you find a large object, just put that on top of the orange bag.
Town Contacts
Town of Carmel
845-628-1500 ext.184
Town of Kent
Lake Carmel Sanitation District
Town of Patterson
Town of Philipstown
Village of Cold Spring
Town of Putnam Valley
Town of Southeast (including the Village of Brewster)

PHONE 845 808 1390
The above email is only monitored during normal business hours from Monday through Friday. Complaints on garbage haulers will not be addressed at this email address. To file a complaint, please call the Department of Health directly at 845-808-1390.