News & Press Release

We are tracking a winter storm that is expected to deliver 8” – 12” of snow during the day Tuesday, February 13, 2024
We are tracking a winter storm that is expected to deliver 8” – 12” of snow during the day Tuesday, February 13, 2024. The snow is expected to begin around midnight and last throughout the day tapering off by late-afternoon. Temperatures are expected to remain around or slightly above freezing which means we can expect a wet/heavy snow. Areas of higher elevation can expect increased accumulation. Slight changes in temperature or pressure can impact the current forecast.
At this time, the County Executive has called for a 2 hour delay for Tuesday, February 13, 2024. As such, all non-essential Putnam County offices are on a 2 hour delayed opening. Putnam County Employees that would normally report to work at 8:00 AM should report at 10:00 AM and employees that report at 9:00 AM should report at 11:00 AM.
The County Executive and his team will meet in the morning to review the current weather conditions and at that time, may elect to close County Offices for the day.
To keep you informed of these events, we will make every attempt to contact employees. Please keep in mind that the final decision to travel to work is yours and you should be confident in your ability to safely travel. Some employees travel from an area where the weather may be much different from what it is here and that should be taken into account before you make your final decision.
For all delayed openings or closing of County Facilities we will attempt to notify you in the following manner:
NY-Alert Notification
NY-Alert provides notification services utilizing text messages, voice notification via phone call or email message. For delayed openings or closures we typically only send a text message. NY-Alert uses Everbridge to provide notifications. You must sign up to receive these notifications (see below for information on enrolling in notifications).
Employee Weather Hotline
Call 845-808-4087 any time after 6:00 AM on the day in question to receive updated information regarding the complete or delayed opening of Putnam County Government Facilities.
County email
An email will be sent to all employees with a putnamcountyny.gov email address notifying of a complete or delayed opening of Putnam County Facilities.
Should the need arise, we have an Inclement Weather Policy that will provide you with 2 options to make up your time. In both cases you must notify your Department Head or supervisor at least 2 hours prior to the start of work if you will be late or unable to work or in the case of leaving early, you must notify your Department Head prior to leaving. To make up your time:
1. Charge to your accrued time other than sick leave
2. Make up your time at a time for time basis, not through overtime, by arriving for work early or staying late. Employees should not miss their lunch hour, this break from work is needed to allow time to relax and provide nutrition. You can reduce your lunch hour from 60 minutes to 30 minutes. These options must be discussed and approved by your Department Head.
Signing Up For NY-Alert
Our Employee Portal can be accessed here:
From this portal you can sign in with your existing username and password. If you cannot remember your username or password, you can recover it by selecting the forgot password or forgot username links. You will simply need to know what email address you signed up with.
If you need to register for the first time, select; Don’t have an account? Sign Up
Input your registration information and progress to the next screen. This is the Complete Profile section where you can input information related to how you want to be contacted.
SMS information is for text messages, Mobile information is for phone calls to your cell. While these are most likely the same number each would indicate how we would deliver the message, SMS = Text Message, Mobile = phone call. You can put the same number in both.
You can also add additional cell phone information, email addresses, home phone number, and business number.
Review your information and select finish. On the next screen select Employee Notifications->Employee Weather Notifications then Save & Continue. You will then see a final Review. You can edit by selecting Edit. Once reviewed and approved by you, select Finish.
Once your information is entered we will still need to review and add to the notification group.
Should you have any questions regarding any of these notification methods please contact the Office of IT/GIS, Eileen Hurlie (
Remember, if you do travel during inclement weather leave ample travel time and drive safe.
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Welcome Message
“Remember that Putnam County is home. Regardless of what may make us different as individuals, it is our respect for each-other as neighbors, our desire to step up and serve, to lend a hand, and leave this beautiful county better off than we found it. That is what makes this place so special. It is with that in mind that we as a county government are here to serve, and will always serve, with a desire to do better.” - Kevin M. Byrne | Putnam County Executive
Contact the Executive's Office
Office | 845.808.1001
Fax | 845.808.1901
Address | 40 Gleneida Avenue, 3rd Floor Carmel, New York 10512

Kevin M. Byrne
County Executive